While it was clear I wanted to ride across Canada so I could learn about my home and the people who lived here, something burned in me to do more than just petty self interest.
It struck me how water is not a common topic in the media nor in our mindsets yet parts of the world are already in crisis now. In Canada we have a huge abundance of fresh drinking water so many of us take it for granted. While this explains part of it, what about the media and news coverage?
I started brainstorming about how to generate awareness: linking water projects and technology, sharing intellectual knowledge on water purification rather than relying on large corporations to solve our water problems, creating my own water project and NGO.
I quickly realized this area is flooded with NGO’s, water technology is shared knowledge and there were already many projects on the go. I decided the most effective way would be to find a water project or NGO that was well established and worked directly with the community to solve their water problems.