Day 10 – Creston to Cranbrook

103 kilometers – see here!

I woke up pretty early considering yesterdays epic ride and was off by 10am. I stopped in at the Visitors center which has free wifi for those wondering. I posted yesterdays ride and added images but wordpress always removes the html tags and brackets. While I was getting that sorted out I decided to upload video onto youtube and contact bell support explain why I only get a signal when am in towns but no where else. I was told because I was on newer network phone there is less coverage but the phone should automatically switch to the slower network on its own. When that doesn’t work I should turn my off phone and turn it on again to recalibrate. So basically no support at all thanks Bell for expensive crappy service.

I was about to leave town but saw the post office and had an idea. I found a service station to dump the gas from the oven that doesn’t work, cleaned it out and sent it home. The current stove I have is pretty much fail safe so why bother carrying the old one across the country.

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