Travel Underwriters

Being a Business Analyst at Travel Underwriters has given me the chance to work with a great bunch of people. Everyone from our CEO Pat to our account managers back east have been extremely supportive of my cause, donating and spreading the word in their own little ways. Now, they’ve taken it a step further by setting up the “Ride For Jeff” initiative. “Ride For Jeff” enables my awesome colleagues at Travel Underwriters to raise money by biking for me. They can bike to work, or for the woefully bike-less, bike at work on a stationary bike the company has graciously set up.

Travel Underwriters has committed $1,000 towards my cause, and will donate a dollar for each kilometer everyone bikes. They’ve also posted a graphic on Facebookthat racks up $1 for every like and comment, and $2 for every post share.

Although I’d like to think “Ride For Jeff” was born out of my sheer popularity, it wasn’t.
They’re going to these lengths because they believe, like me, that a child should be able to take a drink of water without having to worry about getting cholera the next day. I really do appreciate sharing a workplace with such caring, supportive individuals. To them, my sincerest thanks.