Relaxation and George Street: St. Phillips/Portugal Cove and St. John’s

August 30th to September 1st

I want to send out a big thanks to Sue and her husband who put me up in their beautiful home in St. Phillips/Portugal Cove while they were away in P.E.I. I was fortunate enough that Sue’s daughter Jen was still staying at the house and her brother Chris was living in St. Johns. As I mentioned in the last post Chris drove us up to Signal Hill after my little harbour swimming adventure than to St. Phillips/Portugal Cover where Jen bought us a fish and chips dinner at the little restaurant that sits on the waterfront in the cove. Chris couldn’t stay but Jen’s boyfriend Mike came by and we had a few drinks including a little screech for myself.

The next day it was Bella and Nelly and I (their two dogs) hanging out and blogging since Mike and Jen had a wedding to go to. It was a perfect quiet rest day with the dogs who seemed to like the chairs better than the floor. They craved attention and rub their head under your hand just to get a petting.

The next day was more or less the same but I wanted to go to St. John’s and see George Street. Mike and Jen were going to drop me off on the way to Mike’s rugby game when I thought why not see the game since I have never seen a live one? Mike plays in the Canadian Rugby Championships which consists of four teams representing regions in Canada such as “The Rock” which represents the maritimes. The ended up losing by only a few points but it was a battle out there. These guys really play hard without much fan fare and they all have regular jobs to boot.

After the game I caught a taxi into St. Johns who gave a donation! I started out at a little bar on the corner of George street which was supposed to have live music but it didn’t yet and the menu didn’t excite me so I went to an Irish pub on Water street just around the corner. I was expecting better selections of draft but most bars are “Molson” bars. There is a micro brew down water street but I didn’t know it at the time and wanted to cruise George street which is known for good entertainment and excessive drinking.

I managed to hit most of the bar for a one drink minimum and a few of them including Christian’s I had more than one because I found decent conversation. Of course most of the patrons are tourists as I later learned that the locals start drinking much later. By 1am I was done and I was unable to hook up with Mike who was down drinking with some teamates somewhere in town. When I’m done I usually get in a cab and beeline home regardless of cost. This was only $46 which wasn’t bad since it is 15 kilometers to Sue’s place where I got into the chocolate ice cream – sorry Sue but I think I ate most of it while the rest went on my sweater.